Leah Catchpole

Team Leader


Contact details:

  • +44 (0) 1603 450 987



I am a Team Leader within the Technical Genomics Group, which underpins the Earlham Institute's high-performance sequencing platform and NBRI in Transformative Genomics, providing EI researchers and the wider UK bioscience community with access to cutting-edge expertise and the latest technology platforms.  

Prior to joining Earlham Institute in 2010, I worked at the John Innes Centre with Prof Caroline Dean investigating flowering time genes in Arabidopsis and Prof Ian Bancroft studying the genomes of various Brassica species. I was also part of the John Innes Genome Laboratory which later became TGAC and then Earlham Institute. I gained a BSc Hons (2:1) in Biological Sciences from the University of East Anglia, Norwich.  

I lead a team of Research Assistants who focus on the QC, preparation, and sequencing of a variety of sample types for all our sequencing platforms.  These include three Illumina platforms, the Revio from PacBio for long reads and more recently P2 Solo from Oxford Nanopore. I’ve spent a lot of time optimising and running the P2 Solo to help deliver work for our strategic programmes. I have many years of Molecular Biology experience, specialising in Next Generation Sequencing and Genomics.

I am a member of Earlham Institute's Green Impact team and EI’s Sustainability Champion. We are looking at ways to decrease our carbon footprint, making changes to the way we work to reduce the impact we have upon our environment.  I am also part of the EI coaching and mentoring pool.